Thursday 2 February 2012

Chikki (verusenaga atchu)

Ingredients :-
       Ground nuts - 3 cups
       Jaggary (bellam) - 11/2cups
       Sugar - 1 cup
       Water - 25ml

Preparations :-
       Grate the jaggary into small pieces
       Roast the ground nuts in medium flame
       Let them cool
       Remove the outer layer of ground nuts by pressing them hardly in between hands
       Otherwise place them in a cloth & press hardly with hands & blow air through them

Process :-
       Take a heavy bottomed pan add sugar, water, jaggary one by one
       Turn on the flame to medium
       Stir continuously until you get needed texture
       Check in between by pouring some syrup in cold water
       The texture of syrup must be rocky while it is in water
       Once you get the texture, switch off the flame & add roasted ground nuts
       Mix well  fastly otherwise it becomes thick stick to the pan
       Then pour it on foil or plastic cover which is covered by oil
       Press on it with small bowl, which is also covered by oil at bottom surface
       Make creases with knife while it is hot

          Enjoy them in tours

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